Osterman Fox and Associates
Osterman Fox and Associates

Manufacturer's Representative Agency
Upstate New York | New England

315.437.7750 | info@ostermanfox.com

Osterman Fox Staff – Upstate New York

Main Office

3445 Winton Place, Rochester, NY 14623

Telephone: 315.437.7750 • Toll Free: 800.521.3211 • Fax: 315.437.8512


604 Factory Ave • Syracuse, New York 13208

Job Title
Phone Email
Carol Stapleton  Inside Sales Representative  315-552-5771 cstapleton@ostermanfox.com
Brian Ranger  Inside Sales Representative  315-552-5766 branger@ostermanfox.com
Ken DeRito  Inside Sales Representative  315-552-5765 kderito@ostermanfox.com
Marcia Stock  Inside Sales Representative  315-552-5761 mstock@ostermanfox.com
Joann Gaworecki
 Inside Sales Representative  315-552-5762 jgaworecki@ostermanfox.com
   Inside Sales Representative  315-552-5772  
Renee Ventresca  Inside Sales Representative  315-552-5763 rventresca@ostermanfox.com
Thomas Smelt  Sales/Lighting Specialist  315-254-1443 tsmelt@ostermanfox.com  
Doug Lattimore  Outside Sales Representative  716-940-7385 dlattimore@ostermanfox.com
Jesse Zuver  Outside Sales Representative  585-808-6620 jzuver@ostermanfox.com
Tim Sexton  Outside Sales Representative  518-376-8546 tsexton@ostermanfox.com
Dan Yowell  Outside Sales Representative  518-810-8114 dyowell@ostermanfox.com
Paul Zito  Outside Sales Representative  585-820-0685 pzito@ostermanfox.com  
Tim Courtright
 Outside Sales Representative  315-558-8322 tcourtright@ostermanfox.com
Christopher Kelley
 Outside Sales Representative  315-870-5311 ckelley@ostermanfox.com
Mike Roll
 Product Specialist  716-308-2871 mroll@ostermanfox.com
Frank Kaduc
 President  585-202-6020 fkaduc@ostermanfox.com
Jamie Montreal
 VP Operations  315-552-5770 jmontreal@ostermanfox.com
Chris Fox
 VP Sales  315-345-2650 cfox@ostermanfox.com
Jay Kreis  Warehouse Manager  315-552-5769 jkreis@ostermanfox.com

CALL 315.437.7750


Call 315.437.7750 • info@ostermanfox.com